The Mastery Club

From $7.99

Natalie has long been fascinated by witches, wizards and the world of fantasy, bu she wants to be able to do real magic. So when green-haired, unpredictable Nina bursts into her life with a plan to form a ‘Mastery Club’, Natalie’s mind and world are opened to some startling possibilities and a colourful, creative family.

This prize-winning ‘personal development novel’ is packed with practical tools and information about goal-setting, constructive thinking and visualisation, and affirms character values like persistence, courage and a good attitude.

The Mastery Club® is an excellent resource for teachers and parents wanting to inspire and motivate their students and children to believe in themselves and take responsibility for achieving their goals. The story characters deal with real life issues that today’s youth are facing, such as bullying and friendship issues, sole parents, step-parents and divorce, lack of confidence, and academic challenges.

Students will absorb 10 priceless lessons while engrossed in a page-turning story. This means effortless learning! They might even be inspired to form their own Mastery Club, or you can arrange for them to experience the 10-Lessons Program I’ve developed, either in a group or via personal coaching.


Click this link to read my message to teachers and parents, and this one to read what students, parents and teachers are saying about this best-selling bookEmail for my Teachers Notes PDF and/or my Resource Document for Schools PDF.

Give your kids empowering ideas about unlimited thinking, goal-setting, affirmations, visualisation, treasure maps and more in the form of a novel – and read it yourself!

Click here to read about the philosophy behind The Mastery Club and The Hidden Order.

Available as a paperback book, PDF ebook, an audio book in downloadable format. Also available from Amazon for Kindle readers, Apple iBooks Store for iPad, Google Books, and various other ebook vendors. 

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“The Mastery Club is a treasure of a book! A very important, very wise and very suitable book for readers of all ages! I have loved reading it and recognize that its principles are a key cornerstone in the foundation of all my experiments on the topic of Psychoenergetic Science.”
– William A. Tiller, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Stanford University, USA

“The Mastery Club is an entertaining and truly empowering book for children and young adults. I highly recommend it.”
– Jon Gabriel, author of the international bestselling book The Gabriel Method

“As an adult I have spent thousands of dollars attending numerous seminars and reading hundreds of books in my pursuit of teachings that Liliane has now encapsulated within The Mastery Club. I have emailed everyone I know inviting them to also enjoy this magnificent book.”
– Dr Terry Molloy

“I only wish The Mastery Club had been on the reading list at my school; it would have changed my whole outlook and saved me from making some major mis-steps in life. I applaud you on your ability to get the message across to children in such a relevant and engaging way. Well done!”
– Denise Whitton, mother

“Liliane Grace’s The Mastery Club 10 Lessons Program, books and workbooks have inspired, empowered and catalyzed meaningful and fulfilling actions in thousands of today’s youth. The Mastery Club has the power to transform any of those it reaches. It is a must for today’s youth and tomorrow’s leaders.”
– Dr. John Demartini, Founder of the Demartini Institute, Human Behavioral Specialist, international educator and best-selling author

“In The Mastery Club Liliane captures how easy it is for us to live consciously and create positivity in our lives. She helps us realise the importance of staying focussed, never giving up and paying attention to the details so we can actively change our circumstances for the better, getting the most out of life instead of waiting for it to happen! An empowering book for kids of all ages!”
– Brandon Bays, internationally best-selling author of The Journey® and The Journey for Kids

What YOUNG READERS, kids and teenagers, are saying:

“I finished the book and it was really one of the best books that I’ve read in my life. Daddy and Mummy want to read it next. I am now visualising winning a scholarship to a high school I want to go to. [July 2006]

I am still visualising for that scholarship. In the meantime I have working on 3 other projects that I have now achieved. 1) our school has a buddy program and I used the Club to secure the buddy i wanted. 2) i got into the same class for next year as my best friend. 3) i also got onto the same house as my friend. [December 2007]
*STOP PRESS! Stephanie gained a scholarship to the secondary school of her choice!*

“I learnt a lot. It’s the sort of book I could go back and read again. I can relate to all the lessons because they’re in story form.”
– JOSHUA HALE, age 15

“This book is a wonderful story about discovering your own inner purposes and believing in yourself. Once I had begun this book I felt compelled to read it. I couldn’t put it down!”
– JESS WYNNE, age 14

“The Mastery Club is a great book; once I started I couldn’t put it down. It has encouraged me to set bigger and more important goals. I like the way important life goals are put into story form to make it easier to understand for younger readers. I have and will recommend this book to all my friends. The thing I learned was to keep visualising my goal even when it looks like it could never happen. This book is truly inspiring and I hope others enjoy reading it as much as I did. Thanks Liliane.”
– CALEB REEKIE, age 13

“I’m looking forward to reading The Mastery Club again because there was so much to think about in it.”

“I really enjoyed it. I especially liked the bit about seeing the big picture.”
– ASI SHANKARA, age 14

“The book makes me see a whole new side to things. The Mastery Club made me eager to read more. I will highly recommend it to my friends to read.”

“Well I don’t know where to start! this book is fabulous in so many different ways. I have actually started a mastery club with my cousins and hopefully start with my friends. This book helps me alot because I have other freinds who are being really mean at the moment. As a matter of fact I have actually tried the visualising myself and its sort of working! Thanks for writing this book it has really helped! Oh and i really love Nina and her familly so much I wish that I was either Nina herself or Natalie! Nina because shes got cool hair and her names really cool, and Natalie, well, her coz shes best freinds with the quirky, fun loving, Mastery Club leader Nina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“Hi Liliane, im doing a book presentation at school on your book The Mastery Club. I was hoping you’d be able to come to my school, Lane Cove Public, and give a talk so we can all hear about your book and ideas. I really loved your book and i’m already getting my friends to read it!”

“I just want to say how Fantastic Your Book is! I received it as a Gift from a Close family friend. I am only up to chapter 12 at the moment but i am thoroughly enjoying reading the story! I am a Junior Rowing athlete, and have heard about the visualisation techniques etc before but never really taken much notice. After reading the book so far it has inspired me to actually try the techniques! I have also extracted some of the quotes from the book as i am very much into those sorts of things, and i am sharing them with my coach who is a school principal and enjoys reading them too! i’ll keep you updated with my thoughts! Well done on a fantastic book.”

“Thank you for making your book. I have read it so many times!!!! It is just so inspirational and I am glad that I got the chance to read it. 🙂 Your book means alot to me and has changed the way I think about life!!!! THANK YOU EVER SO MUCH!!!!!”

What ADULT READERS are saying:

“I only wish [The Mastery Club] had been on the reading list at my school; it would have changed my whole outlook and saved me from making some major mis-steps in life. I applaud you on your ability to get the message across to children in such a relevant and engaging way. Well done!”

“This is an incredible book written for young people. It offers a step-by-step approach to mastering your own mind and therefore destiny, entwined in a fascinating story which appeals to teenagers and adults alike! It encompasses strategies which many adults have already learned but most likely have not yet made enough use of in their lives. Hence, this book will also awaken the spirit of adults too! It’s the kind of book you will want to buy copies of for all the young adults amongst your family and friends, to ensure that they develop inner-confidence and true success.”
– KATIE BURNS, Teacher – as reviewed on

“Liliane, I absolutely loved your book. I could not put it down. It still sits on my bedside table. You have created a great gift for all young and young-at-heart people. It is a profound, fun and inspirational read that anyone who wants to live a joyous and fulfilling life should own.”
– LESLIE FIEGER, Author of Alexandra’s DragonFire

“As an adult I have spent thousands of dollars attending numerous seminars and reading hundreds of books in my pursuit of teachings that Liliane has now encapsulated within The Mastery Club. I have emailed everyone I know inviting them to also enjoy this magnificent book.”
– DR TERRY MOLLOY, Property Developer

“Liliane, I love the way you have extended the scope of The Mastery Club book, by encouraging children to take it further and create their own Mastery Club, or join an existing one. A positive attitude is nothing without positive action! Blessings to you for providing these great resources!”
– JULIE DAVEY, Author, Artist and Speaker,

“What a clear, alive and heart-warming introduction for children to the ‘real magic’ concepts of creating your own reality through thoughts and creative visualisation! Those ideas (and many others) are beautifully woven into an engaging and lively story about five twelve-year-olds and their Mastery Club – and what happens in their lives when they begin to apply the laws of creation. An intriguing, empowering and uplifting experience for any reader.”
– KATHRINE HUTCHISON, Wholistic Psychologist

“The Mastery Club is a fun introduction to the techniques employed by the greatest minds in History. It excites the young adventurer in all of us.”
– DREW HERIOT, Director of ‘The Secret’-

“Liliane has successfully put all the major Truth teachings into a readable and interesting story so that they are accessible to any mind that is even a tiny crack open. I couldn’t stop reading; the characters are real, the story gripping – a must for every teen or preteen to learn how to get what they want out of life! Everyone with any understanding of these principles will want to give it to their children, their grandchildren and all their friends.”
– REV RHONDA MURRAY, Unity Minister

“I love The Mastery Club and am happy to recommend it. It is a great read, particularly for teenagers, containing many powerful principles. Be prepared to be inspired!”
– INNA SEGAL, creator of Visionary Intuitive Healing® and best selling author of The Secret Language of Your

“When an early draft of The Mastery Club came into our home, we had a fifteen year old, a twelve year old and a forty-five year old all vying for one copy! We were reluctant to return the manuscript because we were applying the ideas on a daily basis (and getting results). Now we can buy our own copies – and this is the book that I am going to recommend to others and buy whenever I need to give a child a gift.”
– HELEN BRANTON, Mother and Bookshop Manager

“A fantastic book – I got a lot out of it. I haven’t been so gripped by a story since The DaVinci Code.”
– A. KHUSHI, Mother

“It is riveting. It is a book that has motivated me more than any other book I have read. It has incredible potential.”
– LUDWINA DAUTOVIC, Mother and Business Owner

“I have just read The Mastery Club and have to let [Liliane Grace] know that, even as a 72 year old still running 2 small businesses, I learnt so much from her book. One business is in Networking and I will be letting my team know about The Mastery Club book so they can learn what dreaming is all about. I am giving my daughter, who is just getting over serious depression, my copy as a gift as I am sure she will reap great benefit from it… Thank you for the powerful message. I would be more than happy if you would want to use my comments on your website. Your message did me a power of good and I appreciate that (it showed I am still not too old to learn something new).”
– BRYAN REES, age 72

“A fantastic book. It has really made a positive change in my daughter. Thanks sooo much… She does still have ‘flat days’, (not as often though) however she is much more confident within herself and can see much happier things in her life rather than focusing on things that have gone wrong (and replaying them over and over in her head, she find its much easier to let ‘it’ go and move on). She is more focused on what she wants and where she is going, she’s just a pleasure to be around! (How many parents say that of their teenage daughters!! We certainly can!!) Thanks again.”
– STEPH, Mother

“The Mastery Club is a powerful book for children of all ages. My father in his 60’s read the book and it changed his life. I was inspired and deeply moved by the powerful story and how it was told. It endorses a wholistic approach to living in a beautiful compelling way as well as being a wonderful aspirational guide for parents.” 
– SHERRY STRONG, Food Philosopher, Nutritional Strategist and Food Coach,

“I’m a big fan of The Mastery Club, it’s a truly inspirational book. Like so many other I have also bought copies for my friends and I consistently recommend the book in my workshops for women’s personal development – The Butterfly Program.”
– LISA CUTLER, Cutler Coaching and

“I took your book to Port Douglas over the school holidays and read it by the pool and it had such a profound effect on me. I thank you for this. I am buying 5 copies and keeping one in my book collection, giving one to my mum and various other friends.

Lately my life has become more and more chaotic. Although, I knew all the theory, I didn’t/couldn’t feel that the chaos was perfect in my transformation. Your book pulled everything together for me, clarified some of my doubts, strengthened some of my beliefs which has in turn helped me to re-identify my values. The chaos was and still is absolutely perfect. Your book is truly amazing, and I look forward to more of your work. It is brilliant. Thank you for your inspiration and love.”

“I experienced a spiritual awakening at 11 years of age, after which I spent 30 years searching for the answers to those questions which have energized people from the beginning of time. “Who am I? What is my purpose? What is real?” If I were to summarize a lifetime of study, practice, experience, and learning, I could not do better than these words, spoken by Nina to Nat, “See the Invisible. Hear the Silent. Do the Impossible.” The Mastery Club is a magical book for kids, for teenagers, and for adults! It is a shamanic journey which takes us, like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, back to our home, our true home – and it isn’t Kansas!’”
ROBERT RABBIN, creator of RealTime Speaking, Author, Speaker

“Many of my kids at my Centre have finished it now and loved it too.”
– JANE HIATT, Kumon Supervisor, Tuggeranong, ACT

“Just letting you know that I bought The Mastery Club yesterday and I am about half way through, loving it to bits!”
– JEN SAUNDERS, Life Coach

“First of all, congratulations on The Mastery Club book! My 14 year old daughter loves it (we asked Auckland City library to buy it after I read a review in the paper, and they did buy several copies, and the librarian and several friends of all ages are now equally excited about it).

After my daughter read it first, we are now reading it out loud to each other. She often quotes from it during various day to day situations. This book has the potential to take the next generation to a higher level, thank you so much for putting these wisdoms into a form that appeals to kids.

My daughter now wants to have her own copy. What a gem, and thank you for assisting mankind, I feel, this is what you are doing with this book. We hope there will be a sequel!”
HELGA MEYER, New Zealand

“As a Feng Shui Practitioner I am aware of the energies we have at our disposal and of creating the world we live in. I had recently got myself into a situation though and could not figure the ‘how’ out. That was until my girlfriend Carol lent me her book, this book. I found the answer about half way through after 6 hours reading. Thanks. I am telling everyone this should be on their Christmas list! Love, Light and Blessings”
– DEBORA NEAVES, Feng Shui Practitioner

“I just finished The Mastery Club. This is the book I’ve been wanting to write! Thank you, thank you. I never even thought about writing a book but a year ago, the Universe gave me the idea to write something for the adolescent age group. (If we’d only had this information when we were young!) I noticed there are many “how-to” books for parents to teach the LOA to their kids offered on the internet, but none that put it in story form like you did … perfect! Bravo!!! I applaud your work and encourage you to write more. You are my HERO! Imagine if the whole world caught on to this…”

“I purchased the Mastery Club book for my 17 year old granddaughter for Xmas. I have read it already and feel really inspired myself. I know she will will be thrilled with it. I know she will start a mastery club for herself and her friends.”
– SANDY CRAWFORD, Grandmother

“Author Liliane Grace has created a powerful and engaging way for children (and adults) to explore life’s possibilities through The Mastery Club. With clever concepts like See the Invisible, Hear the Silent, Do the Impossible, the reader more fully engages their senses and interest, which suits anyone seeking a more wholistic approach to learning and living.”
– DR ARI DISKIN, Healthy Life Doctor of Chiropractic, Melbourne Australia. 3 times Chiropractor of the Year

“Brilliant! Lilliane Grace’s story is superb. The Mastery Club is a story that embraces the instinctual and open spirit. The story suggests that though the rewards of vanity and popularity appear to be important to a young teenage girl, they will never compare with the true joy of positive self-talk and selfless giving. The book serves as a bridge to learning how thoughts we think affect our life and the importance of gratitude. I would recommend this book to educators, parents and youth so that it can be used as an educational tool allowing the reader to take control of their wishes, thoughts and behaviors.”
– DEBBIE GRAY, M.A., Program Director, Free The Children [at time of testimonial]

“Every child should read or have The Mastery Club read to them as there is a seed of Genius within every human being. There is a purpose for us all and just like the piece of a puzzle if one piece, no matter how big or small is missing, it would not be complete.
I as an adult I have read the book and so has my husband and many friends, all had similar comments, what a great read, I could not put it down, where was this when we were younger. Congratulations Liliane we all look forwards to your next unfolding adventure.”
– CARMEL SCARINGI, Life Coach, Get Intuit

“Lilianne Grace has hit a home run with her book ‘The Mastery Club’. Parents and children alike will love learning how to become “Conscious Creators’ in their own lives along with Green Haired Nina, Natalie and the gang in the Mastery Club.

Through the creative story line, Lilianne expertly teaches both children and adults alike to understand “why we need both good and bad in the world, why our goals and dreams need persistent and consistent attention, how to respond instead of react to negative situations, how to influence the world around us with positive outcomes, and how to set goals and turn our dreams into reality. Lilianne proves that even children can learn, understand and apply complex quantum theory and metaphysical principles in10 easy steps!

Champion your child to improve his/her school work by learning about Goal Setting, Universal Principles of Cause and Effect, Resonance and Vibration, Visualization, Manifesting and how G.O.D- Grand Organizing Designer orchestrates both obstacles and rewards to give our souls the growth they need and desire.

This book is a real winner and goes a long way to helping anyone become Unstoppable in their lives.”
the Unstoppable FRANKIE PICASSO, Author & Radio Host, Midlife Mojo- How to get through the Midlife Crisis and Emerge as Your True Self!

“After spending $120,000 on personal development myself I did not expect to gain so much understanding and clarification of so many universal laws by reading a teenage novel. I am delighted that The Mastery Club delivered over and above my expectations not only in my lessons, but also in enjoyment of the story. I am so grateful that you have made incredible insight accessible to so many, including those who would not normally go searching for such. This book is such credit to you Liliane – well done.”
– SHELLEY WEITENBERG, [no longer current]

“Our Rotary Club had Liliane Grace as a guest speaker. Liliane is an author of books for teenagers and she was one of the best speakers I have heard in the time I have been in Rotary and others at our club shared that sentiment. I urge you to consider inviting her to your club. I am presently reading her book ‘The Mastery Club’ and am thoroughly enjoying it.”
– PHILIP ROWELL, Rotary Club of North Brighton

“Recommended The Mastery Club to a friend whose daughter had a nasty separation and her two girls (my friends’ granddaughters) were going through a rough patch. I felt compelled to talk to her about the book and she immediately went to order her own copies…. My almost 8 year old son is now reading the book with me (actually we take it in turns) and I have already read the book 4 times..! Love the way you have taken the law of attraction and made it accessible for younger readers.. well done!!!”

“Liliane…Congratulations on creating “The Mastery Club”. I felt so absorbed and transported into a beautiful world. I didn’t want the adventure to end!!…You’ve expressed many concepts of creating our own reality which even us big kids need to be reminded of. Feeling empowered, uplifted and re-connected after my inspirational journey with the club……”

“Love love love your work, The Mastery Club should be in the educational system worldwide!!!!!!!! Great work.”

“Your book is so delightful, whimsical, and wonder-full! You’ve got an inspirational message.”
– ELAINE WILKES, author of Nature’s Secret Messages – Hidden in Plain Sight.

“Although I am 27, your book was a delight to read, and reconfirmed many of my own beliefs on how to (as we call it) reality hack.
It has been my life-long dream to write books worth publishing, and I am intrigued by your writing mastery courses – more info please!”

“My whole family loves the Mastery Club – we’ve got our own little club going!”
– KAREN DRISCOLL, Luna Mare Chocolate

“I really do deem “The Mastery club” a truly remarkable and inspiring read.”

“I have read the mastery club several times and continue to apply the lessons to my life… a HUGE MASSIVE thank you for writing it!!” 

“I have a little one in grade one and am currently reading the book to her of an evening.  She is extremely sensitive and can suffer from anxiety issues unfortunately.  So we are in the process of wonderfully, and happily altering her thought patterns, and I believe your book will help us with this challenge.”

“I read your book over the weekend and truly loved it. So much of what it talks about and discusses is exactly the kind of conversations we have in our course about setting intention (although we connect this with the moon’s cycles!) – and I can see how such a wonderful book has a well deserved place in the hands of our children. I’d love to do a review on it.”
– ANNA FOLETTA, Barefoot Magazine

“I have just completed the affiliate form and I would be very honoured to be accepted as an affiliate as I’m a big fan of The Mastery Club, it’s a truly inspirational book. Like so many other I have also bought copies for my friends and I consistently recommend the book in my workshops for women’s personal development – The Butterfly Program.”
– LISA CUTLER, Cutler Coaching

“The Mastery Club by Liliane Grace is the best book on Law of Attraction and creating your life that I have ever read and believe me I have read quite a few. The way Liliane has chosen to weave the principles of the Law’s of the Big U for creating our successful life is a beautiful thing to behold. As the story is for children (from about 10 – 110 I believe), it gives great examples and keeps it simple, but considering how incredibly mind bending choosing to take your life upon this journey can be, the simplicity is a blessing and adults will derive just as much from reading this book as the kids. Personally, I am on my 8th read.”
– ROSLYNN HIGGINS, Life & Business Coach

“THANK YOU for that unbelievable book. It was exactly what I needed at that very moment – surprise! And now…. I really really really have to give my very biggest thanks for writing that book! For letting kids know! I’m so looking forward to giving it to my daughter! And to all of her friends! It will be so great to see the kids doing magic! (This should be taught in schools.) Warmest greetings from Germany.”

“I honestly can’t remember the last time I was so excited reading anything, I couldn’t put it down and I was on a high just reading it. I think what you have managed to accomplish with this book is astounding, the simplicity of it is magical, you have found a way to present some powerful information without complicating and I think your book will have a far reaching impact. I have now got my fifteen year old daughter reading your book, my husband is lined up to read it next and I am recommending it to everyone I know. I have since purchased my own copy as it is a book I have to own and I’m sure it will be read many times. I am in awe of your talent and hope you will keep writing.  Congratulations on a great achievement, you are truly inspiring and thankyou for a book I’m sure I will refer to many times.

2011: I still stand by everything I said [in 2006] and I am actually reading The Mastery Club now to my 9 year old and she is loving it.  Tiffany has auditory processing problems, and a short-term memory problem, so school can be quite difficult for her, the book has been lovely for her as she often feels quite powerless at school and it is definitely giving her a different perspective. I often recommend your book, and Tiff has had lots of specialist appts. In the last few years Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Hearing Specialists, Psychologists etc and lots of them wrote your name down and the book so I hope I have managed to spread the word as much as I could.”

“I started reading The Mastery Club before bed as a light “kids” book to relax by… and have found that I can’t sleep afterwards because
1.  I can’t put it down and read far into the night
2.  I love the characters of Nina and Natalie and can’t stop thinking about them afterwards
3.  It gives me far too much to think about!!!!! 🙂
So in short just wanted to say how much I am loving it and am so glad you have written another one as I already know i will be disappointed once I finish this one!  I find the concepts and the way that you have introduced and described them just so interesting.  I have heard and practised them all before but you have a unique and very clear and simple way of teaching them which I have never come across before.  It is also a very good refresher for me and challenging me in many aspects of my life (today i started my “Magic” journal).

Also your writing style is just so relaxing and entertaining.  The way you build up pictures and populate the scenes with what people are thinking and doing is just the right balance between telling the story so it is something that beckons the reader in to a new world while not describing a story so the reader can go on their own journey of discovery with the charactors.  It is very clever and makes an enjoyable read.

So I just wanted to say “Congratulations”, I’m loving it.”
– BRONTE JACKSON, Director, Sustaining Change,


Review on the ‘Literature for Kids’ website –

The Mastery Club is a children’s book that doesn’t quite fall into any one category, so I have delayed reviewing it on the Litkidz site. However, I keep finding myself recommending the book to people, so I obviously think it has great value.

The book is a well-written novel that anyone over the age of about 11 could relate to and enjoy. If it were only a novel, I would certainly have reviewed it in the normal way. But the novel is really a vehicle for teaching. In this case, the children’s book is teaching children about the power of the mind, the power of thoughts, to shape one’s life. The teaching element is the main point of the book, and the activities of the children are a way in for children to relate to the material.

It’s not easy to offer a world-view to kids in a way that they can take in, and I think that the author has done a great job in attempting this. I myself have often wished that I could have learned more about the power of thought when I was younger. At the same time, I think that to be fair, this book is best read by adults before giving it to their children. It would be most helpful to be able to support children by understanding, and practicing oneself. I know for myself, when I read this book, I found myself immediately applying the lessons to my own situation. That’s the kind of experience the book can give, to young people and adults.

The book is not spiritual or religious, but one might say it is ‘new age’ in the way it understands and presents the relationship between thoughts and our world. It helps to have an open mind when reading this book.

Finally, I think that if you want to introduce children to the power of thought less directly, and with more subtlety, then perhaps a fantasy book like The Wee Free Men would be a better place to start. It simply introduces the possibility that what you think affects your world. Later, if your child is really interested, then The Mastery Club might be just the right step. You can find out more on the author’s website, at

Review by Jolene Humphry of MUM’S LOUNGE,  –

I love to read.  Whether it is a blog post, a newspaper, a novel or a picture book shared with my children, I can often be found hungrily devouring words.

I treasure my ever-expanding book collection.  But every once in a while, a book comes along that just stands out from all the rest.  Do you know what I mean?

You know when you pick up a book, and you start to read, and just don’t want to stop?  I’m talking about the kind of book that you want to tell everyone about, because it just so….so…well, awesome just doesn’t seem to quite cover it.  I’m not talking just entertaining, I mean a book that changes the way you think about things. -the kind of book that inspires you to be more and do more.

This is that book.

Prize winning author, speaker and writing coach Liliane Grace created The Mastery Club to help people achieve their goals and dreams.

“I love to incorporate my understandings regarding universal laws, life and love into my writing and teaching.  My motto is ‘Grow into your dreams’ – I aim to inspire, educate, empower and entertain!”

The Mastery Club is a fictional story based on five adolescents who learn about their amazing potential and set out to realize their own dreams and although it was originally written for youths, this book is being enjoyed by readers both young and old.

Between the pages of the cover lays a very special gift – the gift that every parent wants to bestow on their child.   Empower your child with ideas about unlimited thinking, goal-setting and the positive power of affirmations.  This book teaches them that they can be everything they want to be, in a way that is not only easy to understand, but also entertaining and inspiring.

This is what psychologist Ken Pierce has to say about the Mastery Club:
The Mastery Club is a delightful book that engages you quickly in an exploration of the truths of life.  The story will entice young and older readers alike to, not just believe in their own genius, but to explore the wonders of their life.  I recommend it highly and reference it regularly in seminars and with clients.

If you read nothing else this year – read this.  (I am currently reading it for the second time!)  You mark my word…this is going to be BIG!  It is already attracting attention from filmmakers!

Review by ROSLYNN HIGGINS, Life Coach

The Mastery Club by Liliane Grace is the best book on Law of Attraction and creating your life that I have ever read and believe me I have read quite a few.

It is a story about four primary school children whose lives are transformed by the introduction of a new and wonderful friend called Nina.  The way Liliane has chosen to weave the principles of the Law’s of the BigU for creating our successful life is a beautiful thing to behold.

As the story is for children (from about 10 – 110 I believe), it gives great examples and keeps it simple, but considering how incredibly mind bending choosing to take your life upon this journey can be, the simplicity is a blessing and adults will derive just as much from reading this book as the kids. Personally, I am on my 8th read.

I think my favourite part is that all things come from G.O.D, Grand Organised Design. Amen.

If you would like to give a gift this Festive Season to those you love (including yourself), then please go to Liliane Grace’s site and order this outstanding book.

– Roslynn Higgins

Review by Kathryn Duncan for BUZZ WORDS and PIO

It is not often that you come across a novel that will actually inspire you to make changes in your life. The Mastery Club is a rare find and the fact that it is aimed at young readers is a huge bonus. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and even before I had finished it, I had my 10 year old daughter reading it as well. It did not take long for her to grab some of the ideas in the book and adopt them at school with her friends.

Natalie is a little bewildered when the new girl at school, Nina, approaches her with the idea of forming a Mastery Club. Natalie has no idea what Nina is talking about but is soon convinced that a mastery Club is a good idea. At first, Natalie wants to keep her friendship with Nina a secret from her other friends, Billy, Clare and Sandy, but this soon changes and together the five of them are soon living the challenge of setting, and achieving their goals.

The Mastery Club is about the power of the mind, positive thinking and setting goals or challenges in our lives. With the help of her aunt and uncle (with the great name Nuncle!), Nina teaches her friends about creative visualisations and affirmations and how we can have control over so many things that we do in our lives.  The book is quite realistic about this though, and not everyone gets what they want and life isn’t always positive.

The goal of The Mastery Club is to get the reader thinking and looking at life in a different way. There is a lot in this book that helps build a child’s confidence and self esteem, but it also teaches them how to set goals and look at the big picture of their life.
As for my daughter, she used visualisations for her relay team and regularly told the girls that if they could see themselves winning then maybe they could – they came third – and it certainly helped her confidence.

SOUNDBOOKS Audio Book Review in
Posted by: INGRID in Audiobooks, Lifestyle

There is something fresh and vivid – springing up like a bubbling cauldron of ideas – in the writing style employed by author Liliane Grace. In this audio book, The Mastery Club, that style is engagingly used to create a flow of ideas and information within the framework of a novel. While in one sense it is a junior piece of fiction, primarily this is a title designed to empower and offer information about affirmations, the dynamic power of the mind, creative visualisation, and all the elements of “real magic” within the context of the inspirational genre.

A girl with dreams of the unreal – wizards and witches, magic, fantasy – Natalie seems to spend her time allowing her mind to drift among things illusory rather than in things useful. This is turned inside-out when Natalie meets the larger-than-life character of Nina – green-haired, spontaneous, completely different! Nina’s family have a different perspective of the nature of reality, and through their concept of the spark of the divine within human beings and their focus upon the creative possibilities of the mind, Natalie is drawn into a “magic theatre” of life.

When Nina suggests that they form a “Mastery Club”, things become amazing and exciting. Goals and challenges become locations for the treasure maps of human potential… and Natalie finds herself inspired as never before…

Read by the author in a clear and attractive narration.
Book featured in the ‘Design Your Life’ Funday Page of the Sunday Telegraph on 27 July 2008.

Book Review in the SUNDAY STAR TIMES, New Zealand

Move over Harry there’s a new wizard in town and her magic isn’t confined to the realm of fantasy. Her name’s Nina and when she starts a new school her green hair is a beacon of light for Natalie and her friends Billy, Sandy and Clare. Nina talks and thinks differently from normal kids. She’s been home schooled most of her life by parents who are away on a spiritual quest in Nepal and have left her in the care of an oddball eccentric aunt and uncle.

As Natalie muses when she first meets them, ‘they were definitely the most unusual people I had ever met’. The same day, she is coerced by Nina to think about being ‘the creator of your life instead of a victim’. And thus begins the first unofficial lesson of the Mastery Club, which starts to take on magical possibilities as Natalie and her apprentice magician chums enter Nina’s world of affirmations, creative visualisation, treasure mapping and universal laws.

Liliane Grace weaves the secrets of “The Secret” into a delightful and spell-binding story for young adults where the real magic is all about self-awareness and self-mastery. Powerful ideas are expressed with utter simplicity – what you think about, you bring about, the universe is like a mirror, whatever you see out there is in here and the more… loving and grateful you are the more… you attract harmonious experiences – as each member of the Master Club strives to ‘see the invisible, hear the silent and do the impossible’.

Book Review in “SUCCEED” magazine – personal development for progressive people

The Mastery Club is part teenage fiction, part worldly wisdom and part law of attraction. It is well written and moves along at a nice pace and it is ultimately a satisfying read.

Author Liliane Grace’s primary focus is on relationships, however the book also takes a look at how to create your own reality, or as the tag line suggests ‘doing the impossible’. The Mastery Club is about the relationship between Natalie, a young girl looking for something more… in the world, and Nina, the new classmate who inspires her new friend to let go of her negativity and fears and pursue her dreams and goals via the ‘mastery club’.

Initially, from a reader’s point of view, I was more… engrossed in the teenage dramas that were unfolding and I felt the language and concepts used in The Mastery Club may have been a little too high concept for its target audience. However, having spoken to some young readers, it was clear that not only did they enjoy the book, but they were inspired by it as well, some having started their own mastery clubs. The Mastery Club is an interesting and occasionally provocative take on the law of attraction and being the best you can be. The biggest message is perhaps not to live your life in fear; but squeeze the life out of every moment you have. That’s not a bad lesson to give to your teenagers.

Book Review in CONSCIOUS LIVING MAGAZINE, by Yolande

Not merely an adolescent book, The Mastery Club is definitely an enthralling and timeless book for all ages. The author has successfully pulled together facts, tools and techniques of the power of the mind and blended them into this wonderful story. Green-haired, confident Nina starts her first day of school with the intent to introduce her new-found friends to a new way of living – by forming a Mastery Club. Nina and her family teach the club how to become the masters of their minds and thus their life, here the reader can learn practical skills and lessons to improve their own life. This amazing book would be the perfect gift for parents to give their children – and then read it themselves.

Book Review in LIVING NOW, by Terry Stephens

This story is not only fascinating, but also contains considerable wisdom, provided through an intriguing plot. A major character, called Nina, will help you to expand your thinking.

As Dr John Demartini says in in his Foreword to the book, “The plot of the grand story playfully winds and weaves your mind through the deeper questions and lessons of life in a light-hearted and inspirational manner, while making you think deeply about he elusive obvious in your life.”

Another character tells a story of being able to pursue a dream career even though it involved overcoming strong objections from her parents. “I had to push any thoughts that I might fail right out of my mind…” Mainly directed at older children and teenagers, it carries a powerful message that will not only benefit but also entertain adult readers as well.

This book will help you to master your thinking, your feeling and your future. As well as being a great read, it would make an extremely worthwhile gift to help any young people on their way. They’ll love it!

Book Review in PENINSULA ALTERNATIVE, by Melissa Learmonth

The Mastery Club is a wonderful book that blends in universal truths and personal development beautifully. It is a pleasure to read and get caught up in the story and characters while you are gaining so much knowledge yourself. It is a lively and engaging story about 5 twelve-year-olds and their ‘Mastery Club’.

Using characters like an electrician, a potter, a wise uncle and aunt, and an amazing young girl, Nina, against a backdrop of school and family life, you will be transported to a world of personal development and empowerment. Their insight and words really touch your heart as you reflect on your own life and believe that you too can create the life you desire. This book is a clever and creative way to introduce children, teenagers and even adults to the world of personal and spiritual development – a lovely way to teach and learn about things like the power of positive thinking, visualisations, affirmations and goal-setting.

It is very accessible, written in the form of a novel as it engages you in the story line, raising your interest in the characters and their journey. You can relate to all the lessons woven amongst the story.

The Mastery Club cleverly allows you to reflect and ask yourself who is doing the thinking, driving and creating in your life – you are of course!!! So this encourages you to become empowered and positive, to unlock your potential, belief in yourself and create your own reality, using the Mastery Club’s lessons. It is a great way for anyone to learn how to get what you want out of life. This book inspires, motivates and connects you to your inner power. I couldn’t put it down and now my nine-year-old daughter wants to read it too.

At the back of the book is a wonderful summary of the “Mastery Club Lessons” including the tool of treasure mapping, the law of polarity and don’t give up. – All reminders to help us achieve what we want in life and make our dreams come true. ‘See the Invisible. Hear the Silent. Do the Impossible.’

Book review in by Jenny Zimmerman

The Mastery Club: A Cynic’s View
There is no point writing a book for kids – no matter how good its intentions – unless the story genuinely appeals to children. I read The Mastery Club to my eleven-year old son and nine-year old daughter and can vouch for its appeal. They are both very fussy readers, but they absolutely loved this one. Its smooth writing and authentic characters made for an engrossing and fascinating read. Although I had promised the kids a chapter each night, they made a great fuss begging for two or even three chapters a night; at one point my son offered me all his pocket-money in exchange for one more chapter! The Mastery Club is filled with real kids and real life, with colour and adventure and a hint of magic – and that’s what kids love.

I am normally very wary of “New Age” ideas and how they’re presented, but this book absolutely charmed me. I couldn’t find fault with the way it explained – so simply and appealingly – very straightforward ideas about how we can be the “masters” of our own thinking, and thus our lives. For the first time, I realised that this approach to life is one that anybody can try – and that with a little commitment and perseverance, failure is impossible! The Mastery Club has had wonderful effects on this adult reader, and there’s no doubt it can work its magic on kids too.

My son now says quiet affirmations to himself before he goes to sleep each night: he’s going to play AFL football one day. And my daughter is learning new, more positive ways to deal with her anger when things don’t go her way. These are not techniques I have forced upon my kids, because that’s not my style: they are simply something new they’ve been exposed to. It’s okay if they forget or put aside these new ideas for a while; I know that the seed has been planted, and I’m glad my kids have now got one extra tool to help them through their lives.

My son was reading a newspaper article about a recent spectacular win by the Western Bulldogs, his favourite team: the article noted that the Bulldogs had “made their own luck” by combining hard work with a determined positive attitude. “That’s Mastery Club stuff!” he said. “Everyone’s doing it now!”


The book ‘The Mastery Club’ is a good read. I loved all the characters, especially Nina because she was so confident and driven about making the Mastery Club. In the book Nina told Natalie that for her birthday she had wanted a doll house, but her parents didn’t have enough money to buy one. So everyday she imagined herself having a great time playing with the doll house. Then weeks later she went to dinner and the hosts daughter had got given two of the exact same doll house that Nina was wanting and then she was kindly given one of the doll houses.

So now ever since I read about that I have been imagining playing with the pet dog I have wanted since my other dog passed away.

Another project I loved was the trick with the basketball game. When some people got split in to three groups. One group got to practice basketball. The second group had to imagine playing and scoring all the time. The third group had to do nothing. It amazed me that the second group almost got better than the first group. Nina then used this trick at school one day when the students were playing baseball. She had never played this and she still caught a lot of balls. This was all because she had imagined catching them all.

I would recommend this book to anyone around my age group or even older. This book has amazed me by what you really can do with your mind. I would have to rate this book 9/ 10.


The author of the ‘Mastery Club’ is Liliane Grace. The main characters of this wonderful book are a group of five kids Nina, Natalie, Sandy, Clare and Billy. The genre of this book would have to be an adventure/mystery. I want people to read this book so they become a master of their life.

Almost certainly the first bad thing that happened was when Natalie’s three friends Sandy, Clare and Billy were getting suspicious of Natalie and the new girl Nina; Natalie’s friends didn’t like Nina very much that is most likely why they were suspicious, since they were around each other a lot, and that is because Nina asked Natalie if she wanted to join something called a Mastery Club.

Later on in the book about chapter five Natalie got the guts to tell them about Nina and the Mastery Club. Natalie invited her three friends to come and join the Mastery Club, too see Nina’s house and also meet her bizarre aunt and uncle.

A really sad thing in the book is when Natalie grandmother passed away and she wasn’t that close but she had to choose to see her grandmother for the last time or go to a Mastery Club meeting. She made a deal with her mum that she will go to the Mastery Club meeting after she sees her grandmother, its so important for her not to miss any meetings because she can and needs to change her life.

Liliane Grace wrote this book to show every one that they can do anything with their life all they have too do is think about it.

I think this book is a tremendous book because it has moving parts and dull parts, this book would be fancied by anyone eight or over but mostly by adults, it deserves a ten out of ten rating.